Monday, August 12, 2013

Quit Golf?

Been watching the 2013 PGA chiampionship on and off last weekend becuase star hup give free viewing. Expecting to see Tiger Wood showing his color but it was rather disapointing. But then again, why Tiger Wood? He is old and he is out and my pleasure of watching should be depending on him! And hence i decided that from now on i should not thing of there is no golf when there is no Tiger. So i say, it is also fun to watch the rest of the 3 very atheletic players like, Adam Scot, Justin Rose and Roy Mclrory. There were at the leader's list into day 2. But, came the 3rd days and this guy with the big tummy shot a 63 and lead the pack. I got no more interest to wake up at 2am. and after he won on the final round i lost my interest to paly golf totally. I say to myself, if golf can be played by any over-eating, over enduching people then it is no longer a beatiful sport. and i started to ask myself should i continue to play golf? Is there something else i can do with that 4 to 5 hours per game thing? And i know i will always be playing the kind of silly golf that duffing the ground and driving into forest and water and over putting by the same distant it come in. i am wondering! it also set me thinking if i want to wast my yong daughter's time by introducing golf to her? an idea tha croop up just two weeks ago.

Once a year post!

Been a long time! Seem like this is going to be a yearly thingy. Life is quite flat these days. regular routine and no major target since completing the marathon last december. Is cooking up idea to set a major challenging goal again. May be doiong a PHD! Hahaha. Mind might be too old to take the stress. Thinking very hard. The lesson from the marathon training workshop really help me to lead a healthier life. The chemo doctor turn health educator say he is sick of treating patient for the past 30 years. now he want to teach people how not to get sick. And he say to do so there are 4 points. 1. Sleep well (8 hours). 2. Eat right (caveman diet). 3. Stay Active (walk, run, cycle, swim!). 4. Have a positive perspective of life. I am trying to be deligent follower! So that i can stay healty and not rely on medicine to live. And also to be still able to clim mountain with my now 10 year-old daugther when she turn 21. Well, but spirit is welling but the flesh is weak. I told myself no more marathon and now i only try to run 3 times a week. 5K on weekday when kids boarded the school bus and before i get ready to go office. 8 or 10 k on weekend morning. after each run i do 3 set of 7 chin ups, 20 sit ups, 20 leg raise and 10 elevated push up. been doing this for the past 1/5 years and seeing my 6packs. Not bad. hope i could keep this routine for the rest of my active life till 70? Then i will switch to walking.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

I have run a marathon and finished with 4 1/2 hours at the Singapore Standard Chartered Marathon 2012!

Almost 2 years of traing have not come to vain. Has no confidence to finish it as the training wasn't smooth closer to the end and worse still, my foot was stung by sea urchin while snorkling in Phuket last week! Not only the foot is in pain but also mean i can't train for the entire last week towards the final day!

But now, thank God! i have finished it and with a not so embarrasing timing. My goal was sub-4 though.

Now that i have proved to myself i can do it and have achieved my goal, i am going to put this sport to past as as i do not want to deplet my knee cap. i will run 10 km trice a week with outdoor fitness excercise from now on to keep fit and keep my 6-packs!

Thinking of the journey to last Sunday itself is an enjoyment. The beatiful view along the running rute of Seng Kang and Poonggol Waterway. The chill of the rain, the quiet of the nights and the cool of the mornings, will be memberable. Of course the agony of the pain, soreness, fatique and the rigorous can-not-miss schedule on the other hand, remind me to achieve great thing, I must first sacrify.

My previous goal was to play sub-90 for my golf game. i achieve it during one of the game at Marina Bay. after that, realising to maintain at that level consistently i need to sacrify alot of my family time, which i feel is silly. hence i decide that that single game of 86 is all that i needed to declare i have achieved my goal.

Running a marathon was my second goal that i set since i sold my business and came back to SG from China. I feel the need to set challenging goals for myself after i switch to a not-as-demanding running own business-pace life.

My next goal is to get my PHD! May God Bless Me!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I am back! Been 3 years! Gosh! Time fly!!!

I am into marathon training! Hope to participate in the year's Standchart Marathon. Been training in the past 2 years along Seng Kang-Poongol Waterway. Also going arround the ilsand to enjoying many nature..


Tuesday, September 1, 2009


2nd Sept 2009


“the Value of a man resides in what he gives and not in what he is capable of receiving.” –Albert Einstein 【from cadanlar】

“基本款”- 文章说的是懂得怎么适当纯朴而不忘创意点缀得高雅得体的穿着。Simplicity?作者认为过着基本款的生活和人生才是有智慧的人。










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Our Family Catle By The Sea

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


1. 我一直埋怨自己没有一支时尚的好錶,直到有一天我看到一个没有手的人!
2. 那晚上完了亲子课之后,我决心要改变心情,不要再埋怨生活,让自己活得幸福。这样我才能为孩子带来充满幸福的氛围,为他们也活的幸福。
3. 那些勇敢跃龙门的鲤鱼变成了威武的巨龙。不敢跃龙门的鲤鱼,永远只能呆在河流里当鲤鱼。
4. 草根代表着这样一群人:他们知道自己很优秀,眼界比别人宽,舞台比别人大。但是他们简单,低调,很热爱身边的每个人,不自大,很快乐地骄傲着。
5. 别让繁华一夜之间消失了!--新疆种族暴乱事件。
6. “人们思维的5%是理性的,另外95%是感性的”。因此品牌也应该涵盖这两方面(阴阳)。 成功的品牌除了注重产品的性能等理性特征,也应该在情感上吸引顾客。--Laurenz Koehier, Partner, Mext Management @Singapore Prestige Brand Award 09.
7. 企业的价值主要来自无形资产,包括品牌、客户、技术以及主要的合同等。英国FTSE350指数公司年度报表调查显示有344家公司其企业价值的72%无法在资产负债(balance sheet) 上显示出来; 美国财富500企业的70% 至80%的价值来自非有形资产。经济海啸让新加坡品牌价值,无形资产减少了US 203 billion。Other than brand, other intangible asset include IP, Guanxi, etc. IP is important to Pharma and BioTech. Guanxi and training is key for retail, and branding is important for mechanized products. Company must protect their intangible asset by patenting or register their brand to protect their profit.
8. Using Singapore Brand Name to differentiate itself from competitor in China.
9. Before 2025, there will be 7mil tertiary education requirement. 70% will come from Asia and having 1/5 world population china will be the major market source.
10. 台湾对中国文化和保护十分良好,一些传统留下来的东西,台湾的创意文化也非常棒。--毛泽东的外甥女孔东梅
11. Breadtalk带 给人的印象是很新奇:现场烘培,落地玻璃窗柜台,以及白色座面、地板等,给人一种时尚感和“高品质”的信心。
12. 读报不只教学也指引人生路。新加坡的教师好辛苦,学生也好辛苦!

Thursday, July 9, 2009


9th July 2009:


香港是我去过的中国城市最漂亮的地方!我想在古时发现这绿水青山的人会不会以为他们到了世外桃源-Shangri-La,? 现在她是个3D感特别强结合摩登和自然美的的城市。不管你在哪里都能在冷气房里欣赏到山和水。要是幸运的碰上南天白云的天气时,白天她山明水秀,晚上她光芒四射。只真可惜的是这么难得的一颗珍珠宝贝,常常要受尽空气的污染和狂风的摧残!台风不可避免而且还有维多利亚山自然的保护在,空气污染应该可以避免吧?还有我对他们土木工程的规模和成就非常佩服。他们有数不尽的山里水里的隧道和数不尽的高架桥和高架路,还有数不尽的山路和山丘防塌墙(Retaining Wall),还有连绵不断的瘦瘦的高高的,直入云霄的高楼!


我倒认为问题不是因为怕华文难学而不学好华文. 你听那些老外相声讲得多好,真的不需要怕!可是老实说如果我是新加坡学生的话,我肯定会怕。当然要怕啦。一直以来,要在这个环境学好华文真的是不简单。怕别人瞧不起自己“蒋爪李-Jiang Zua Lee-讲钞票”或者Chinese Helicopter,怕在多数是红毛派的同学,学校,社会这样的环境里没有环境学好,怕接触华文学习华文的机会少可是又要考及格,怕这怕那的··是有好多可怕的,不是吗?


当然我们也要提供他们一个环境。在学校华文的contact hour一定要足够。以前华校连数理科都用华文为教媒有足够学习时间和机会。现在华文变成单独的语文课,如果要教得好,当然要加学习时间。这可以考虑其公民课也以华文为教导媒体。还有教学方法要有趣有效、老师和学生不能有代沟问题,还有教材可以考虑用一些西方POP Culture 的内容让现代的学生能和学科和老师有共鸣.在一些非常传统hardcore的AngMo派学校,应该以英语来教华文,等等。在一个家庭里,家长们在家里和外出要多给孩子机会练习。孩子们在学校和同学哪里已经有好多机会学习英文了,家长们就不用怕输的再多提供机会。很多时候我倒觉得家长们是不是他们的自尊心在作祟,怕别人认为他们是hilicopter,JiangZuaLee所以在大庭广众和和朋友面前宁可选择和孩子以英语交谈。至于在社会,我们要消除对于华文的歧视,在工作上多提供应用华文的机会(越来越多和中国通商的机会会慢慢的解决这问题),帮他们排除怕环境,怕歧视和非技术难题的因素。我们的电视节目可以考虑从港中台引进一些适合各年龄的有趣的有素质的节目。在这样全面配合的策略下我们的孩子应该很快就会学有所成。所以我建议下一个推广华文的计划和主题可以考虑“华文?谁不学就会死得很快!”其实我们要扪心自问,如果我们真的觉得华文是非常重要,将会是以后的生存问题,那提高下一代华文水平和能力是势在必得的是很迫切的,哪,一个有效和有力的办法就是从新规定华人子弟(除了特殊情况可以考虑罢免)入大学需要华文及格的标准。可是大前提是首先我们的华文教育制度和方法,师资,家庭和社会要具备必需的辅助条件。要不,我们还是会面临以前政府受到家长压力必需决定取消大学华文入学标准的情况。本人也不用担心我的老二和老三像我的老大(I Hate Chinese!)的情况一样,没有学习华文的环境而放弃原本的坚持。

8th July 2009



哈哈哈or LOL。



Regarding the collapsed Shanghai building:

"Impartial and substantive government supervision and professional ethics are absent."--Ching Cheong

Is this comment applicable to case of Lehmen Brother and the cause of the collapse of the world economy and the financial crisis?

和我的华文老师谈起这这则新闻时被他骂了一顿, 因为发音不准。My华语发音Better be标准(噢:乱乱参不西不中也不行的哦)!我把公寓说成工艺-上海有一座叫汤臣一品的公艺【寓】。还有河畔说成【合办】”!真是“一声之差,相隔千里。”搞得他莫名其妙。 这种语音的问题最经典最糟糕的恐怕是“小姐,你的下面(虾麵一晚(碗)多少钱?”吧?可以想象我们这些烂华语(没把四是四,十是十,四十是四十搞清楚的华人子弟去到中国有多出丑吗?

7th July 2009


6 July 2009



“自由不能长存 -- 人民即使腐化不能长存,乃是主人也!。。。。Edmund Burke 【among a people generally corrupt, liberty cannot long exist. 人民如诺腐化,自由便不能长存。”



Blue Mountain /Hunter Valley– taste of good wine and rustic life. There are towships where artists, musicians and writer trive. Hunter Semilon and Shiraz are the famous local produce.
